Meet Alyssa

I have a hard time sharing my story of how I got here… and by here I mean a DIY “influencer”. Don’t get me wrong it’s not because I’m ashamed or don’t want to share. This career did not happen because of me, Timber & Twine is fully due to God and His Will over my life. BUT before I dive into all that, even if you don’t believe in God or have a relationship with Him, I promise this blog is still for you.

My Days as a Hairdresser

My faith completely changed after I made a decision to change my entire life. Is Hairdressing what I am supposed to do? I prayed throughout this entire process and now obviously been on the other side of it (8 years later) I can look back and see God being there the entire process. I have distinct instances where I look back and can see the hints God dropped on my heart AND there was a series of events that took place that were a catalyst for this leap of faith. 

I felt an insane amount of discontentment in my work place. And not because I hated what I was doing (hair) I actually loved it and I was good at it! I mean I used to work all day at the salon and then spend all night woodworking into the early morning hours only to turn around and go back to the salon.

I just constantly felt pulled to be woodworking. I had sat down with my employer and asked to go part time so I could do woodworking part time. She said it was full time or nothing. I was so hurt and upset and I prayed and prayed over it. I finally felt in my gut that God was telling my to follow my heart and my passion. Looking back, I am SO thankful my employer told me I couldn’t go part time. I think if I had, it would have completely tore me apart! In the midst of this discontentment, I started a bible study called “trusting God” by Jerry bridges with my mom and sisters. That book changed my entire view on life and my faith. God spoke to me through each page of that bible study for the very situation I was in (the possibility of giving up steady income to take a gamble on my passion).

Before I made my big decision and I was praying over it, without being prompted one of my coworkers, a gal who actually gave ME my first haircut and has been a close family friend for years. Said to me “you have never talked about hair the way you talk about your woodworking” …at first I didn’t think much of it, but I started to really chew on those words…she was right. I have never been PROUD to be a hairdresser. But woodworking, I could talk about it and all my projects until I was blue in the face. And I realized, I’m sure some of my clients probably rolled their eyes bc it was ALL I ever talked about!

I just felt like God was pushing me. It’s like He knew I just needed some validation in my decision. Out of nowhere I got a call from a local builder who was building a home for the Parade of Homes, and asked me if I would build a couple pieces for his house. It was such a HUGE honor and it validated “I AM good enough to do this.” And my decision was made. The straw that broke the camels back.

My Biggest Leap of Faith

In December 2020 I felt super uneasy, I can’t really describe it, other than unsettled. I was happy with what I was doing, I wasn’t getting burnt out with woodworking, so what was stirring in me!?

I prayed about it and that was the first time in my life that I actually HEARD God’s voice and He said “Something More”.

Like what is that supposed to mean?! I still felt super unsettled. Like what more am I supposed to be doing? I am doing my passion, I am raising children, what more could I want?

So I kept praying about it over the next few weeks and God finally laid it on my heart; I know what He was calling me to do!I felt an immense amount of peace about this decision. I was scared, but I felt the peace it was exactly what I needed to do.

I used to take custom orders, build and sell what I made. I was SO secretive about how I built things. To the point of blocking people when they made something similar to what I created. And one day I had a reality check. The whole reason I started building was to SAVE money. I’ve been blessed with this talent, WHY am I not sharing the build plans and teaching people the process with people like me!? And so the “new” Timber & Twine was born!

So I decided that at the beginning on January 1st, I was going to say “no” to all future orders and I was going to show up everyday on Instagram, showing how to build the few orders I did have left.

I showed off a desk in March that I had made and that was my first viral video. When I finished all the custom orders, I started sharing my bathroom remodel which blew up. I went from 5,000 followers on Instagram to 40,000 in a weeks time.

Now while God did answer my prayer and showed me a sign… that doesn’t mean there weren’t roadblocks, doubt, wanting to quit.

SO many times have I said I was done. Whether is was a road block in a project, or I stopped growing, or no one was seeing my content, or I couldn’t get any brand deals. To this day, there are still many moments that I want to quit, because what people don’t realize from their side of the screen, is how much TIME gets spent doing the projects, and then editing them, and then presenting them as valuable content. Filming for brands behind the scenes of a current project for something that might not go live for another 2 weeks. It’s HARD. But every time I want to give up, God sends me a “God wink”. Everything is a choice, and some things are just worth choosing!

Honestly the main reason I’m still here doing what I am doing is for YOU! My followers, my supporters, and this amazing community that has been built. When I get a dm from someone who has built something off my plans, I can’t describe the pure JOY I feel. It might even be better than actually building it myself. And the people who dm me and tell me how I’ve inspired them to diy or talk to me about their faith or their personal life…it’s like that country song….”that’s the good stuff.”

The Here and Now

Now a lot of people have asked me why waste time and money, you may not be in your forever home… so why make it pretty?

I am SO SICK of waiting to my “forever home”. It may never even happen! I want to enjoy the space of NOW. This is the space my babies are growing up in and where we’re making memories NOW. I want to make my home the BEST it can be bc it’s my HERE AND NOW. (And not to mention…resale value will also go up if it’s up to date).

You may be reading this story today and something in your gut and soul is resonating with what I’ve shared. Friend- I so strongly believe that is a sign. A sign that this idea you’ve had in your mind, this hobby or desire that seems too silly to pursue or go for… that’s what is next for you. I encourage you to seriously consider your passions, what brings you joy and figure out how to go for it!

Now I’m not saying walk into your 9-5 tomorrow and quit. But what could you do today and moving forward to move toward that goal?

It is nerve wracking, no matter what route you choose, choosing a new career is nerve wracking. I never went to school for this but some days I wish I would have but I also know I am where I am because I played around with it. But being nervous is a good thing because it means that you care. 

I would say if you are nervous and wanting to test the waters to see if this could be a possibility… could you go part time in your career and then work with a someone in your dream field or job shadow? What is your end goal with your dreams?

Thank you for allowing me to share my story. I would love to hear yours too! Please free to comment below, send me a DM on instagram or email me at I cannot wait to get to know you more!


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We are Passionate about Kickstarting DIY Dreamers to create spaces and build pieces they are proud of!

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