5 Lies You Tell Yourself

You would not believe how many DM’s I get from followers like you saying that they wish they could do what I do. They wish that they knew how to DIY. They wish they could transform their home or build a table or a playhouse for their kids. But the reality is… they can. They are just held back by the lies they tell themselves. Which if I’m honest, I told myself those same things in the beginning too. Here are 5 lies you might be telling yourself that are stopping you from DIYing your space.

1) I’d mess up

Yep, you will. But that’s OKAY! Anything can be fixed! And I know it’s a cliche, but when you mess up, you learn SO much. You say you’re afraid to ruin something but friend you can literally fix anything. I’ve made so many mistakes, but you wouldn’t know because I fixed them all. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve messed up… one time I had to remove a whole section of drywall because you guessed it, I messed up. But guess what?! Now I know how to do drywall repairs!

Common mistakes you can and probably will make will be:

#1 Cutting your boards too short. Measure twice cut once!

#2 Caulking. It’s okay! You can wipe it all back off, or wait until it dries and take a razor blade to it

#3 Brad nails sticking out. Get a “nippers” and nip them off and hammer them down. Or pull them out with pliers when you can! And then woodfill.

#4 Stripping a screw. This happens to me ALOT. As long as the screw head it not flush with the material, it’s an easy fix! Just grab your drill, open the chuck, and tighten it around the screw head. Once it’s tight, put your drill in reverse and it will take your stripped screw right back out!

There are so many more common mistakes but these are just a few to start. If you have any questions or need help, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

2) I don’t have all the tools.

I started out with a drill and a circular saw, that’s it, no full shop of tools to choose from. Despite my lack of tools, I made some pretty cool things including a dog bed and side table! THEN once I got good with what I had, I saved up my money and added a new tool every few months! Maybe you aren’t even sure where to start with what tools check out THE 5 Must Have Tools For Beginner DIYers.

3) I have no woodworking training or experience.

When I started, I didn’t even know how to use a saw! I knew I wanted to make my puppy a new bed. So, I fought the seeds of doubt in mind and pushed myself to try something new! What I discovered are there are SO many videos on YouTube showing you EXACTLY what to do and what not to do! I am completely self taught in everything I do. The reason I make really cool projects now that look high quality is because I started somewhere and have allowed myself to get better with every build/project! That’s why this is so fun, you are always learning, growing and being challenged.

4) I don’t even know where I’d start!

My biggest advice for starting to DIY is to get your feet wet. Pick ONE project that you really want to do. It can be as simple as a board and batten wall or building a table. Then, search Pinterest for inspiration, read 2-3 blogs, draw out exactly what you want, make a material list and a tools list. And START building! Like I said above, you will learn as you go!! And if you have questions along the way, that’s what I’m here for so be sure to shoot me an email, comment on this blog or send me a DM!

5) I don’t have a wood Shop/ work space.

To be honest, you don’t need it! Pull that car out of the garage or put up a table in the driveway. Or heck, buy a shop vac and do it inside the house. You don’t have to have all the tools and a work shop to start. You just have to have the will to do it! I built my first side table in the living room at my boyfriends house. Did I make a mess, I sure did! But it all cleans up one way or another! Except stain, do that outside or lay plastic down… I may be speaking from experience on that one!

But if you can push past those lies, those doubts you have and embrace the suck. You will be so proud of yourself in the end. To stand back and admire your work and say… I did that! I can’t wait to see what you create!


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